Business Planning

Business cash flow is just one thing we can help businesses with in their financial plan. We also can assist with setting up your employee benefits and give them the opportunity to personally work with a financial planner not only on their retirement but on their personal financial plan to create a more productive workforce for the employer.

Retirement Plans Are Available

Some of the common retirement accounts available are: Individual 401(k)s, SEP IRAs (Simplified Employee Pensions), SIMPLE plans, and Profit Sharing plans.


A small business owner should consider life insurance for buy-sell agreements and deferred compensation to key employees. Disability insurance (including partial disability and business overhead coverage) is also a very important need that is often overlooked.

Group health insurance is an important benefit to assess for both the business owner and their employees. Employers and employees can share costs, and there are special tax incentives to businesses that provide group health insurance.

Tax issues involving business insurance are complicated, so you need qualified comprehensive advice to be sure coverage fits your business and personal estate needs.

We have a team of consultants to help with your employee benefits and business planning needs.